Center for Nonviolence

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Celebrating Latinx Heritage Month: A Commitment to Inclusivity and Justice 

Every year, from September 15 to October 15, we celebrate Latinx Heritage Month, a time to recognize the contributions, history, and cultural richness of Latinx communities. This month honors the independence anniversaries of several Latin American countries while lifting the voices, experiences, and legacies of people of Latinx descent across the U.S.

At the Center for Nonviolence, we work to build a community in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where Love, Truth, and Community are accessible to all. The celebration of Latinx Heritage Month aligns with our values in many profound ways.

Why Do We Use "Latinx"?

The term "Latinx" is a gender-neutral alternative to "Latino" or "Latina." Its usage emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and respect for all gender identities within the community. Using "Latinx," we honor the diversity of identities, expressions, and experiences within the Latinx community.

Why Does Latinx Heritage Month Matter to Us?

We advocate for everyone's safety, especially those who have historically and systematically marginalized. Many members of the Latinx community face challenges stemming from structural inequalities, such as a lack of access to resources and systemic discrimination. These challenges can exacerbate issues of violence, whether in the form of domestic violence, community violence, or institutional harm.

Our work is grounded in creating safe, supportive environments where individuals—regardless of their cultural or ethnic background—can thrive without the threat of violence. Recognizing the unique struggles that Latinx individuals may face, especially those impacted by language barriers, immigration status, or cultural stigmas around reporting violence, is crucial to fostering an inclusive community. Latinx Heritage Month is a time to reflect on these issues and recommit to addressing the needs of this vital community.

How we center the needs of Latinx communities:

Multilingual Services: Language should never be a barrier to seeking help. We offer services and resources in Spanish, ensuring that Latinx community members can access support and education without fear of miscommunication or exclusion.

Collaborative Partnerships: We partner with local Latinx organizations to expand our reach and ensure our programs are accessible and relevant to those we serve.

Our Commitment to the Latinx Community

We provide trauma-informed and culturally affirming services to our Spanish-speaking clients. Our clients can expect to receive all of our Support and advocacy services, including our specialized services for immigrant and undocumented individuals, free of charge. We also offer a men’s Abuse Intervention Program (AIP) for Spanish speakers, with income-based fees on a sliding scale. 

You can learn more about our services available in Spanish here.

Moving Forward Together

As we celebrate Latinx Heritage Month, let us not only honor the past contributions of Latinx individuals but also commit ourselves to a future where all people can live—regardless of their ethnicity or background—free from violence. As part of our commitment to Love, Truth, and Community, the Center for Nonviolence will continue to honor and lift up the unique needs and lived-experiences of Latinx communities.

By celebrating Latinx heritage, we deepen our understanding of the diverse experiences within our community and strengthen our resolve to create a more inclusive, compassionate world for all.