Our vision is to create homes, communities, and a world free from violence.

We provide education, support, and advocacy to end domestic and other forms of violence.

The Center for Nonviolence is a 501(c)(3) organization servicing Fort Wayne and NE Indiana.

If you want to recommend someone to our programs, please complete a referral form.

  • This  Prevention graphic icon features a simple line drawing of seeds being poured from a bag with a flower on it into a hole in the ground below. The line art is in the Center's classic purple color.


    Our prevention services aim to stop violence before it starts by creating conditions and environments where individuals feel safe, supported, and respected. Where those conditions exist, communities thrive.

  • This Intervention graphic icon features a simple line drawing of a plant freshly rooted alongside a small hand-shovel that is resting in the plant's dirt mound. The line art is in the Center's classic purple color.


    Our intervention programs help participants look deeply at their use of violence, challenge the beliefs that lead them to use violence, and learn how to practice honesty, accountability, and power-sharing.

  • This Support and Advocacy graphic icon features a simple line drawing of a potted plant being held gently by an outreached hand. The line art is in the Center's classic purple color.

    Support & Advocacy

    For those surviving domestic and other forms of violence, we offer free, client-centered services, including support groups and individual advocacy.

I feel so lucky to have the tools to grow within a beautiful, healthy marriage. Regardless of the circumstances that led me to the Center for Nonviolence, I am eternally filled with gratitude for being led here.
— Women's Intervention Client