Our Coordinating Panel
Our Coordinating Panel (CP) members serve as the Board of Directors for the Center for Nonviolence and participate in the activities of the Center’s committees and advisory groups. Through their guidance and expertise, CP members provide oversight for the organization’s general operations and ensure that we are honoring our commitment to our mission and vision.
If you are interested in serving on the Center’s Coordinating Panel please email us at coordinatingpanel@centerfornv.org or fill out an application.
Maureen Carruthers
Chairperson (she/her/hers)
Tech. Industry professional committed to rooting out violence in all its forms so we can all get free together.
Lormekia Warren
Vice Chairperson (she/her/hers)
Advanced family practice nurse practitioner devoted to serving all mankind in the Fort Wayne community with love, pride, and dignity. Honored to continue that compassion in helping others at the Center For Nonviolence.
Ines Oldenburg
Secretary (she/her/hers)
Montessori teacher that loves inspiring others. I believe in the richness of diversity and the power of collective intelligence and that we can impact positive change for tomorrow together.
Emmanuel Ortiz
Treasurer (he/him/his)
Mixed-race Latino (Puerto Rican / Chicano / Irish-American) community organizer and writer. I believe art must be an integral part of the struggle for liberation and social change. I enjoy soccer, guacamole, and naps.
Rod Bolden
I am a black man, a father, grandfather, mechanic, wrestler. I welcome the opportunity to reconnect with and offer support to the Center for Nonviolence.
Kellie Hill-Hicks
CEO of Urban Update, providing a platform for local talent in Fort Wayne for over 30 years. Excited to join CFN, as its mission aligns with my passion for empowering communities, spreading awareness, and breaking the cycle of violence through social change and conflict resolution.
Olivia "Liv" Hope
PFW major in psychology with a minor in philosophy, religious studies, and LGBT studies. I joined because the Center's mission aligns with my passions for sharing knowledge and uplifting the community.
Antonette Payne
Lawyer and professor. I joined the Center for Nonviolence because I believe in the work they are doing in ending domestic and other forms of violence.
Nina Williams
I hold my Bachelors in Anthropology with a focus in intercultural communication. I also chair YLNI’s IDA committee. I am happy to be part of The Center for Nonviolence and work alongside the mission to make our community safer and more equitable.