Our Coordinating Panel

Our Coordinating Panel (CP) members serve as the Board of Directors for the Center for Nonviolence and participate in the activities of the Center’s committees and advisory groups. Through their guidance and expertise, CP members provide oversight for the organization’s general operations and ensure that we are honoring our commitment to our mission and vision.

If you are interested in serving on the Center’s Coordinating Panel please email us at coordinatingpanel@centerfornv.org.

  • Headshot photo of Maureen

    Maureen Carruthers


  • Headshot photo of Lormekia

    Lormekia Warren

    Vice Chairperson

  • Headshot photo of Ines

    Ines Oldenburg


  • Headshot photo of Emmanuel

    Emmanuel Ortiz


  • Headshot of Rod

    Rod Bolden

  • Headshot of Kellie Hill-Hicks

    Kellie Hill-Hicks

  • Headshot of Olivia "Liv" Hope

    Olivia "Liv" Hope

  • Headshot photo of Antonette

    Antonette Payne

  • Headshot of Nina Williams

    Nina Williams