6/27/24 Day of Action

Photo by DJ E-Clyps (@bydjeclyps on Instagram) of Linzell Parhm’s grieving mother.

The Center for Nonviolence grieves the heartbreaking losses of Linzell Parhm and Dachena Warren-Hill. Their tragic deaths underscore the urgent need for our city to re-envision what community safety means for all of Fort Wayne’s residents, but especially those who are most targeted, most vulnerable, and most at risk for interpersonal and systemic violence. 

Police departments are sworn to uphold the peace and ensure public safety. Whenever and wherever that is not happening, the community has not only the right but the responsibility to seek answers, justice, and accountability from those to whom we have entrusted our lives and the lives of our children, family members, neighbors, and friends.

Now is the time for those who want change and transformation to come together in support of the Parhm family, the Warren-Hill family, and all the families who have lost loved ones to violence. Join us in working toward a Fort Wayne that values and prioritizes community safety, public safety, and the well-being of everyone who calls this city home.

We’ll see you on Thursday, June 27th, from 12 PM to 6 PM, on the Allen County Courthouse lawn to lift up those whose lives have been taken by violence. We, along with local advocates and the victims' families, will be calling for transparency and accountability from our police department and our city officials.


FIESTA Fort Wayne: A Day of Celebration and Support!


"A Celebration of Freedom" by Ms. Khalilah Hanan